Monday, April 23, 2012

Ego Depletion/Decision Fatigue: Some Helpful Reading

I've mentioned the concept of decision fatigue on this blog before, and how it relates to ADHD...but as a quick refresher, ego depletion is a new idea based on evidence psychologists are observing about human nature.

Basically, the new evidence seems to suggest that what we might call "willpower" or executive function (i.e., what those of us with ADHD seem to have so much trouble with) is a real, traceable neurological phenomenon related to our brain's metabolism. What's really important about this is that it means that phrases like, "mental energy," or "emotional resources" aren't just cute turns of phrase, they're speaking to a concrete biological reality.

So what depletes our willpower? According to the research, being tired, being hungry, having to make a lot of decisions, having to exercise willpower in the face of impulses, and feeling anxiety or social rejection.

I hope to see someone with real credentials dig into the question of ego depletion in a brain that already has limited executive function, but I don't expect many surprises there. I'd be willing to bet the strength of the ego has a lot to do with a person's dopamine levels. This is the sort of science that's going to blow a lot of holes in our ability to continue being judgmental about people's "character," but you won't see me crying any crocodile tears over that fact.'s some good reading on the subject:

Good ol' Wikipedia

A therapist's rundown about ego depletion and some advice.

Ego Depletion on the "You Are Not So Smart" blog

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